My job requires me to be on the ball all the time.
My manager can ask me how any one of my 10 projects is going and I need to give a clear answer.
Just saying “I don’t know” doesn’t look good!
This is where Meditation comes in.
Since I have been practicing meditation my work life has improved greatly.
"My stress levels have reduced significantly. I no longer need to lie down outside my office on the concrete drinking an energy drink in the afternoon to find the will to live so I can go back inside and make it to 5pm".

"I used to go into the bathroom and do deep breathing exercises to calm my nerves because I was so self-conscious and afraid of making a mistake."
Staying focused in my job is so important.
I need to be able to give confidence to people.

Here are some small but significant changes I have noticed since starting meditation:
Acceptance - I can accept my managers and co-workers – this has reduced stress improving my interpersonal relationships and making me happier.
Self-awareness - I can see my wrongful behaviour towards others more often. I can find the courage to embrace my teammates. This is supported through scientific studies such as the one here.
Courage to do things I did not used to do - for example, phoning a client to tell them something important rather than hiding behind an email. This improves the relationship and makes for a smoother result.
Wisdom - Knowing when to approach my manager and not insist on my opinion – this has helped the flow of my day so much.

The ability to say "sorry" when needed instead of holding judgments - easing tension between myself and people in my office.
Push through difficult tasks - inner strength and confidence to push through challenging times, as well as having the courage to ask others for help - a result of letting go of my pride.
Less procrastination - more action because I spend less time in my head thinking.
The ability to STAY in my company. Staying in my job has helped me form relationships with co-workers bringing regularity to my day. In the past, I could not accept others and so I changed workplaces. However, this created more stress.
Gratitude – noticing the little things the world is giving me that I previously was unaware of.

Exercise - willingness to go to the gym and do a morning run. The endorphin release improves my mood making me more productive and positive - good energy flows out to its surroundings.
Listening better to my manager's instructions as I am not stuck inside my head as much.
Cravings for junk food have disappeared. As a result, I have more energy to be productive throughout the day.
Emails are more positive - I use emojis and write in a warmer tone receiving a better response - emails are no longer neutral and detached.

In the past, I woke up at 7.15 am. I tried to wake up earlier but I couldn’t make it a habit. Now I can wake up at 6.30 am. I get to work 45 minutes earlier than before - I can focus and get extra work done before the rest of the office arrives.
Daily morning meditation - I meditate for 5 minutes before going into the office - clearing my mind to start positive. A clearer mind leads to clearer decisions.
Gratitude has replaced the dreary office life I once had.
Practicing daily meditation brings me into life.
Thank you for sharing, I found this helpful 🙏